Friday, June 27, 2008

TWINKIES AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I really like twinkies. They are just little golden pieces of...YUMMY : ) . Eventhough have never done this(but i probably will soon) I also think stomping a twinkie would be great. You would get all the twinke goodness everywhere.

A smashed twinke is better then a regular twinke because the goodness held inside is now plastered all over the floor. In Matthew 28:19-20 Jesus commands us to become a smashed twinke. The goodness (awesome cream filling) that GOd fills us with should not be kept there is should get smeared all over the world


Thursday, June 26, 2008


im sure you saw the prov17 in the URL

that is Proverbs 1:7
"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and intruction."

i think there are a lot of intelligent people in the world but if they have no respect for God they a defiantly not wise. I also think because of that it is a bad idea to seek advice that dose not first acknowledge God as being the source of wisdom.

Getting council from some one who is not tapped into "the source" is a bad idea. Its like going to Checkers for a fine dining experience. You will leave worse off then when you came (trust me checkers has messed me up more then once ).

seek Godly wisdom (it wont give you the runs)


welcome to thinkng sideways

hello my name is Eric i am an intern at my church and i am... a little odd by my own admission. As i was taking a friend to the airport recently he mentioned that we both think "sideways". though he was talking about game, i realized that this is true. I dont like to think and act like others. i like to figure out my own way to do things sometimes it works and other times ... . what i hope to do in my blog is to offer a source of fresh thinking to scripture (NOT NEW THEOLOGY). i think alot of Christians pick up there bible and forget what they are looking at. I think in weird ways (its my only real talent) and i hope my odd mind can refresh you

