Thursday, June 26, 2008

welcome to thinkng sideways

hello my name is Eric i am an intern at my church and i am... a little odd by my own admission. As i was taking a friend to the airport recently he mentioned that we both think "sideways". though he was talking about game, i realized that this is true. I dont like to think and act like others. i like to figure out my own way to do things sometimes it works and other times ... . what i hope to do in my blog is to offer a source of fresh thinking to scripture (NOT NEW THEOLOGY). i think alot of Christians pick up there bible and forget what they are looking at. I think in weird ways (its my only real talent) and i hope my odd mind can refresh you




Richie Rump said...

Welcome to the fray. You know I'm going to harp on this but Capitals are your friends. Learn them, use them, love them.

I'll keep my eye on this...subscribed.

Eve said...

Hey Eric... hmm... now that you've started a blog you've got to check out mine... not that I've tried to get you to do it before or anything... hmm... and yes... captials ARE your friends. Love you! I will subscribe as well.