Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Do you really want to know how I am doing?

I recently returned from Bolivia (God is awesome) and while I was there I had a short conversation with Berch that I said " I need to blog this". Have you ever asked someone "how are you doing?" and then kept on walking. One must realize that the statment   "how are you doing ?" is actually a question.

A major theme of Jesus' ministry is love, and I think it is vary unloving to ask someone about there well being and ignore them. If we take the time to listen to how someone is doing, then we can in fact show them the love of Christ. You really never know what you will find out if you take the time to ask. If you ask "how are you doing?", then listen you might hear a vary encouraging story of how God is working in that persons life.

On the other hand you might hear a story of hurt. If this happens, you have just been given the right to speak desperately needed truth into that persons life.

only ask if you really want to know


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