Monday, August 11, 2008


I have to admit first that I have difficulty engaging in TRUE biblical community. The concept is laid out vary plainly in Act 2:44

"All the believers were together and had everything in common."

the implication there is that you are so open to a group of believers that you can have everything in common with them. I find though that the most harmful thing to TRUE community is when we are not simply being OK with believers that are a bit different. If you spend any time with me you will find that I have... my own way of being, but I have made close friends that accept and even like me for the way I am. In my life ,though,I have had people (who honestly may not have meant to) really hurt my feelings because they made fun of me because they didn't understand me

We should strive to have the type of community the early church had by being together and loving one another like Jesus said but we cannot do that if we are not sensitive to each others uniqueness.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT AN IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

as i am sitting outside typing there are two brothers outside playing catch with a football. The older brother Just got frustrated with the younger yelled at him. The older one walked away and of course the younger began to follow. He yells some more and sends him inside. If he only understood the impact things like that can have on his little brother, he would probably be more patient. We , if we actually want TRUE community, should do the same.
