Friday, June 27, 2008

TWINKIES AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I really like twinkies. They are just little golden pieces of...YUMMY : ) . Eventhough have never done this(but i probably will soon) I also think stomping a twinkie would be great. You would get all the twinke goodness everywhere.

A smashed twinke is better then a regular twinke because the goodness held inside is now plastered all over the floor. In Matthew 28:19-20 Jesus commands us to become a smashed twinke. The goodness (awesome cream filling) that GOd fills us with should not be kept there is should get smeared all over the world


1 comment:

Eve said...

Are there sugar free twinkies? I want to be one of those twinkies... that is if the filling is still good of course.

P.S. And you call me weird?