Friday, September 19, 2008


Over the last year I have had many well meaning people mention to me my need for a girlfriend. I want to start by saying that I am not opposed to the idea or what it could look like in practicality.

I think ,however, that people get to anxious to be with somebody so the settle for anybody. That is terrible. I think three things need to be seen in someone before they are even a "candidate"

Attraction- There has to be something about them that makes you look at them and think " HELLO BABY!!!!!!!!!!!". There should ,in my opinion, be a physical attraction but what ever hooks you is really up to you

Apparent Growth- There walk with the Lord should be growing and should be an inspiration to you. If there relatinoship with God is something worth watching they are worth getting to know weather or not you want to date them. This is good for your walk and if you do start something togeather it will help you grow spiritually

Genuine Kindness- This is rare. We should only even look at kind people; why waste time with a jerk? If your "candidate" is simple kind to people because they relise Jesus loves them, They will be espicially kind to you.

In case you where wondering this is what gose through my mind everytime someone says "Eric you need a women"


ps everytime

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

YOU DISHONOR YOUR HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today I found out about the pastor that did the closing prayer at the democratic national convention. I was angered to hear that rather then bowing the knee to the supremacy of Christ.He chose to prostrate himself to the name of political correctness.

I am all for not beating people with the Bible but come on. If a believer gets a chance to proclaim the greatness of who Jesus is, he must take it. To cower out of giving Jesus the honor due to Him is by far the greatest dishonor in life. e
In japan if a samurai dishonored himself, his lord, or his family in such a way the only means to regain himself is seppuku (ritual suicide). I am in no way advocating that this man should harm or kill himself, but he should seek Restoration. There are so few good examples of godly people that are excepted (to some extent) by the secular world.

How hurtful it is to the cause of the Gospel when one of the leaders in its movement ,even for a moment, publicly dishonors Jesus by glossing over Him for the sake of being "politically correct"


Thursday, September 11, 2008

My Conclusion

I got slightly harassed today because on my facebook status which said
"Eric has come to the conclusion of a life time". I was asked by a couple
of people "what was the conclusion". To be honest it is vary basic.

But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose
the weak things of the world to shame the strong
1 Corinthians 1:27

I understood what this meant before today but it hit me that in 2 Corinthians God told paul regarding the thorn in His flesh

But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made
perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.
2 Corinthians 12:9

I came to the conclusion that no matter what weaknesses or
ineffencies I have God will get more credit through that.(that way I
really cant get the credit ). When we truly see how weak we are we can
really glorify God and make everyon in the world see how awesome we know He
is.In short I came to accept and like my weakness because God will
use it
