Wednesday, September 17, 2008

YOU DISHONOR YOUR HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today I found out about the pastor that did the closing prayer at the democratic national convention. I was angered to hear that rather then bowing the knee to the supremacy of Christ.He chose to prostrate himself to the name of political correctness.

I am all for not beating people with the Bible but come on. If a believer gets a chance to proclaim the greatness of who Jesus is, he must take it. To cower out of giving Jesus the honor due to Him is by far the greatest dishonor in life. e
In japan if a samurai dishonored himself, his lord, or his family in such a way the only means to regain himself is seppuku (ritual suicide). I am in no way advocating that this man should harm or kill himself, but he should seek Restoration. There are so few good examples of godly people that are excepted (to some extent) by the secular world.

How hurtful it is to the cause of the Gospel when one of the leaders in its movement ,even for a moment, publicly dishonors Jesus by glossing over Him for the sake of being "politically correct"


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